You know in life you have those moments that stay with you for the rest of your life? Those times in your life that you just don’t forget.
Well, this week I had one of those moments.
I have a client of mine, (Don) who I have known since school, and have been doing his hair for the past few years… quite a few at that. Since then he has married his gorgeous, kind, salt of the earth wifie, Chanel, ( You did more than good Don) and I have since also been having the pleasure of doing her and her moms hair as well…
So “Don” arrives for his usual 5 weekly appointment, and brings with him this regtangular wrapped box with a very pretty white vintage lace bow on it. (Chanels fingerprints all over it)
We said our hello’s and began with our catch up… Its always the case of trying to remember any juicy news that might have happened in the few weeks gone by.
I must say, having a good laugh is really good for the soul.
So as Ive almost finished his cut, he asks, “ Are you going to open your present or what?” (OBVIOUSLY! Just trying to not get too excited and keep it cool. I LOVE presents… and I love to try guess what they are) So im feeling the box, and it felt a bit like the ferrera Roche flat boxes you get… so I say, “ It feels kind of like Ferrera Roche’s?
He just looks at me and starts laughing… I was like on the North Pole on that guess.
As I open the box, my first image was 5.5”, and I had that instant feeling of nausia.
“Have you bought me a pair of SCISSORS?!!”
Don had so sneekily asked in his previous appointment to have a look at my gold pair of scissors, and the make etc, (for those who don’t know, they are very special to me, as before my sister passed away almost two years ago, she gave me those scissors. They were hers. I have made those gold scissors apart of my logo. She will always be apart of me.)
So he took down (unbeknown to me) all the details he could find on the scissors.
He then went and found the exact make, and had my new pair imported from Germany. He then went on to have the box, and the scissors engraved with Schön Hair, Est 2016 on them.
Its these moments in life im talking about.
The moments you just never forget, that impact your innercore.
I am so touched by their act of increadible generosity and kindness.
These acts is what makes life special.
It’s a reminder for myself to love, cherish, appreciate and value the people around me. Especially those who I love and hold closely.
Life is fleeting, and is a gift, and most of all, it’s the people in our lives that make life worth living.