Looking for hairdressers should be a simple feat right?

Clearly I was hugely mistaken…


So one month down in my little haven, with having been spoilt something chronic by everyone, well watered and fed, with all my little snagshaving been achieved, (well, I think im the type to permanantely have a “list”) feeling settled and happy, meeting lots of new wonderful clients, I feel blessed.

I would however be delighted to share my new space with someone who can add to my oasis, and I really thought the task would be a lot simpler. Infact, it seems as if my industry is sadly dwindling. Its like the Ocean has run out of fish. Its almost as if this little space is patiently waiting for “the one”.

So if you are it, could you please flipping hurry up?!

That would be amazing…


It looks as if there is also a new shop opening next door to me- a bridal boutique which should also be cool, and im also hopefully getting my nail technician in by the end of the month, fingers crossed. I just love the idea of being able to have ones nails done, whilst your colour is developing. Lets face it. Life is busy, and we are all watching the clock, trying to multi task our lives like highly skilled ninjas, all at the same time wanting to look our best with groomed everything. To be able to walk out the door with new hair and nails done all at the same time is like having your cake AND eating it. Well, I love cake, so im pretty excited.


Watch this space, I’ll keep you posted…