It’s the question I am most asked every single day…


“Does anyone swim in the pool?!” and I have to chuckle..


The crazy thing is no-one actually uses the pool. (except for the weekends when I think my landlady Val, and her Son who lives upstairs from my precious little salon may have a dip.)

It used to once upon a time be Val’s home, but then started to develop her gorgeous property commercially, and I guess the pool just got to stay.

It is now just sheer asthetic beauty for all of you to stare into its blue, glassy depths pondering on life whilst sipping on your cuppacino..

I think however in Summer you should all bring your cozzies, and we start a revoloution of having a dip in this gorgeous pool before having your locks done.

Don’t be scared.

Someone needs to start enjoying this little bit of heaven..


Wishing you all a very Happy Spring!!  Before we know it, its going to be Christmas,

So please have a look in your diarys so we can pencil you in now for your Christmas appointments, as its booking up already!

See you all soon, (Perhaps with a few added cozzies and towels)

PS.  Please Make sure you do all your vigorous activities BEFORE you come have your hair done, so you can rather plan your hot night out's instead.. always got to plan a little something something with pretty hair...